Saturday, October 19, 2019

Initiation of the KERP projects programme and the execution of the Movie Review

Initiation of the KERP projects programme and the execution of the First project by Kuwait oil company - Movie Review Example Kuwait Environmental Remediation Program (KERP) aims at dealing with the elimination of pollutants or impurities from environmental media resulting from the oil explosion. KERP seeks to ensure the realization of three key objectives. The first objective is to direct Kuwait National Focal Point (KNFP) in the accomplishment of the KERP. The second objective is to undertake remediation of damaged terrestrial resources by means such as fencing and patrolling of five designated areas. The third objective is to remedy areas damaged by oil leaks, oil contaminated piles, oil trenches, and oil spills. Military contributed to Kuwait’s environmental damages through a series of activities. The movement of vehicles and heavy weaponry damaged the delicate desert environment by affecting the plant cover that in turn affected the sensitive ecosystem. The physical esthetic value of the environment in turn was destroyed, and aridity started engulfing the lands of Kuwait. In 1994, Kuwait government submitted environmental claims that aimed at monitoring and realizing remediation mechanisms to restore and improve Kuwait’s ecological status. After studies on the same subject matter, in the period 2001 to 2007, Public Authorities for the Assessment of Compensation proposed remediation technologies to enable rehabilitation of the damaged environment. The steps are aimed at bringing recovery and restoration to the deteriorated environmental status in Kuwait. On August 2, 1990, the State of Kuwait sustained extensive environmental damages because of the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait and the 1991 Gulf War. The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) recognized the provision of reparations to affected countries, companies and individuals. In December 2005, the UNCC completed the appraisal of all claims for environmental damages in visualization of remediating environmental damages. The UNCC issued Decision 258

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